About us

Honeywell Friction Materials with an annual sale capacity of approximately 800 million dollars is one of the world leaders. Honeywell possess in total 13 production factories and 5 technology development centers in 9 countries. Under the name of Bendix Brakes Honeywell is the leader in the spare part sector in North America as well. Disc brake pads, drum brakes linings and thanks to various other products it has become a famous brand in North America, Europe and Asia.

vincentbendixBendix was created by Vincent Bendix in 1924 and within the company it is constanly progressing and has become a tradition over the years. Due to the fierce competition in the Automotive area, Vincent’s first trials to break out in the business was unsuccessful.
But, Vincent Bendix did not give up and in 1911 his inventions concerning the engine parts brought back his success and guaranteed him a place in the market. In 1924, Vincent Bendix met the French engineer Henri Perrot during the European Automotive Exposition and managed to get the licence for Perrot’s brake parts. Vincent Bendix died in 1945, but with all these achievements he layed the foundation of a respected and famous company. Vincent Bendix made huge contributions in order to improve the company during his life. Bendix produced brakes for cars, trucks, buses, agriculture and construction vehicles, planes, golf cars and even bicycles, this made Bendix the most popular and respected company in the brake business.
In 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first people to walk on Moon, it was a big step for humanity and for Bendix as well due to the fact that Bendix played a prominent role during the design and production of the scientific tools utilized in the program. During the 60s and 70s Bendix was present with its contributions in the Kennedy Space Station in the Flight System Support Department, with these experiences Bendix has also specialized in the space industry.
In 1962, Bendix became the first company to produce 4×4 brake discs for US based cars, the highly solicited Studebaker Avanti. In 1967, the dual-braking master which was produced with the leadership of Bendix and utilized in every American vehicles. The same year Bendix manufactured its 200 million brake part and reached another important level. Just a few years later, Bendix introduced the ABS system by using the 4×4 ABS system for the first time in Chrysler Imperial.
Many years of experience Bendix continues to progress its brake technology and continue to manufacture different products and these products are highly accepted and solicited in the industry. With its magnificent past, customer support service and continiously renewed brake technologies Bendix has become the most popular brand in this industry.
Bendix brakes has become the ultimate solution for the automotive repair sector. Bendix thanks the Answermen and Certified Technicians for their outstanding technical support and education in the automotive World. Honeywell International with the leadership of Morris Plains,NJ has diversified its technology and production and in 2002 augmented its revenues to 23 billion dollars. The companies shares are exchanged in New York, London, Chicago and Pacific based stock markets.